El EGO nos muestra un capote rojo de sufrimiento, y si nosotros simplemente lo embestimos sin siquiera cuestionarnos el porque habríamos de hacer algo así, terminaremos brindando nuestra sangre a un suelo de arena que nunca florecerá...
José Luis Rodríguez Yaiba (1982 -) (the "Quijotinverso" or "Ki-hot-in-verse") was born on March 22, 1982 in Santiago de Chile (Chile-Spanish is), his days free to adolescence lived in the town of El Quisco where he met most of his friends and began to paint with their paternal grandparents. In 2000 begins to study Civil Engineering Electronics from the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso, which then specialized in "Automatic Control and Robotics. In 2002 began to create their...
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