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Te firmé mi amor,
como se rubrica una obra de arte,
busco el lienzo de tu vida,
para lanzar en el
los colores más puros
del espectro solar,
e irradiar contigo toda nuestra luz,
no ser sólo una mezcla óptica,
encontrar el camino que me lleva a tu alma...
para permanecer ahí dandote abrigo, caricias infinitas,
besos eternos...amor de siempre.
I. Valdez
"Being an artist is to turn the misfortune, the stupidity and waste in a light blanket ..."
Proudly of Tijuana, BC. Mexico & n bsp;
Great things happen in life ... my first contact with art was in childhood, when they came to my hands lithographs E. Bartholomew Murillo ... these works caused great impact on me because of my innocence to see children suffering helpless, hungry, street ... they both liked Murillo shape. I entered the field of visual...
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