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Una sencilla flor, sobre teja centenaria de un viejo palomar de Tierra de Campos. Pintura que nos recuerda el estilo Naif de finales del XIX. El punto de partida es un dibujo de una flor que he trabajado en clase con los niños de segundo de primaria.
Porqueras Salvador was born in Villanueva del Campo (Zamora) in 1959. Some years later his parents Mark and definitively settle Felisa Castroverde de Campos, and a few years beginning in Toro Elementary Secondary Education and then ends in Valdez (León) the Baccalaureate. At the University of Valladolid diploma in Education, while working at the Meson del Labrador, in Castroverde, with Cecilio Lera. Is there among pots and pans where it starts to become interested in medieval painting, he...
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