Information on the original artwork

  • Country: Mexico
  • Category: Painting
  • Technique: Pastel
  • Medium: Paper
  • Theme: Animals
  • Measurements: 14.57 x 15.35 in
  • At Artelista since:
  • Tags: gato, retrato, pintura, animal, felino, pastel

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Artwork description

Pintura a Pastel sobre papel Canson por Jim Barber H[-]x 36.5 cm (15?x14?)
Calico Kitten
Le presento a mi gata, Federico García Lorca, apodada ?Lorca?. Tomé la foto original hace años cuando mi esposa y yo éramos una joven pareja enamorada. Todavía estamos enamoradas pero ya no tan jóvenes y la foto ha perdido casi todo su color original. Lorca estaba acostada en su lugar favorito encima de nuestro televisor blanco y negro de bulbos marca Admiral. Mientras nosotros veíamos nuestros programas favoritos a través de su cola ondulante ella nos fijaba intensamente su mirada. Apenas encendíamos el aparato y ella automáticamente subía a tomar su monárquica posición. Al parecer, el programa favorito de ella era nosotros acurrucándonos en el sofá. Pintarla después de tantos años usando esta vieja y maltratada fotografía me trajo deliciosas memorias.

Pastel painting on Canson paper by Jim Barber Hove. 38.5x 36.5 cm (15?x14?)
Calico Kitten
I introduce you to my cat, Federico Garcia Lorca, nicknamed ?Lorca?. I took the original picture some years ago when my wife and I were young and in love. We?re still in love and not so young anymore but that photo has almost completely faded away. Lorca was lying in her favorite place on top of our black and white Admiral television set. While we watched our favorite programs through her waging tail she stared at us with her feline eyes. It was always the same; just as soon as we turned on the T.V. she would automatically jump to her place and strike her regal pose. It seemed like her favorite program was us, my wife and I, curling up romantically on the sofa. Painting her after all these years using the same old faded picture brought back delicious memories.

Artist information

Since I can remember I have had an urge to express myself artistically. As a young student, I was interested in sports, singing and theater. In my years at West Bend High School, I was selected to sing in the school choir, to play trumpet in the school band and to act in the school musical productions.

See more information about jim barber hove

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Little 8.7 x 7.9 in160 $
Medium 22.9 x 21.7 in319 $
Big 36.7 x 34.7 in402 $
Personalized8.7 x 7.9 in
160 $

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