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DIA INTERNACINAL DE LA MUJER:9 artistas de Mendoza y Buenos aires, argentina y de USA, exponen pintura y arte digital en el Salon Cultural Bernardino Rivadavia en Jose Vicente Zapata 349, sucursal MENDOZA ciudad, Argentina. Inauguracion: 13 de Marzo a las 20 hs. Visitas de lunes a viernes d/18 hs.
Professor of fine arts degree from the School of Fine Arts Prilidiano pueyrredon IUNA, Buenos Aires. He currently resides in the province of Mendoza. Aizemberg attended the workshop in the School of the Carcova and workshops at the National University in numerous shows Cuyo.Es selected municipal, provincial, national, received awards. He has participated in 100 group and solo exhibitions: CCRecoleta, Manuel Belgrano Salon, National Drawing Salon in Salta, National Blue Salon, Palais de...
See more information about Graciela Bidolegui