Habitantes de ciudad imaginaria contemplan la llegada de zepelins que invaden su hábitat, amenzarán sus costumbres, cultura y forma de vida.
Setting Caamao, born in Santiago de Chile, lives in Venezuela since the year 1978. Cursestudios in the Faculty of Fine Arts at the University of Chile. PLASTIC ACTIVITY IN VENEZUELA SOLO Exhibition Hall Progress 1980, Valera. Edo. Trujillo. TISCACHIC Galera 1981, Trujillo, Edo. Trujillo. Engineering Center 1982 State of Zulia, Maracaibo. 1983 House of the Journalist, James. Edo. Trujillo. 1983 North Club Carabobo (MARAVEN). Lagunillas, Edo. Zulia. 1984 Town Hall Exhibition 24, Barquisimeto,...
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