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Hecha a mano cuidando detalles como si se tratara de una carreta en tamaño real, realizada en madera, cuero de vaca y oveja. Los herrajes estan elaborados a mano en cobre, bronce y hierro. Es una pieza que trasciende lo artesanal y es muy requerida por los coleccionistas.
I belong to an Italian family from the sixteenth century has been devoted to the arts and crafts in the ancient kingdom of Naples. My grandparents and parents have turned to woodworking and leather. Since 1955 established a workshop and learned everything from my ancestors my brothers and I add the design driven by our father and so did the drawing and painting. The moment and with the concern to show the world what we do, we are involved in internet, graphic design and photoshop.
See more information about Antonio Farina Cione