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Costado formado por cuatro tableros con los motivos siguientes del Quijote: Quema de libros. Yermo de Mambrino. Peto o coraza y casco y ánfora.
Esta obra es noble orgullo de su creador con el convencimiento de que no existe otra igual en su conjunto.
Cada uno de sus ornamentos han sido meticulosamente tallados.
No se ha empleado lija ni abrasivo para que pueda ser observado el corte de la gubia en todas sus tallas
My principles as a carver was in Ronda (Malaga). In the late forties early fifties, at the School of Applied Arts and Crafts. Later I expanded my knowledge in the world of forms in various studies and workshops of carvers and sculptors, both in the ornamentation of furniture such as altars and thrones. In the early sixties, I moved Barcelona where I started working in the district of Gracia local sculptors and carvers for several years. In the year 1964 he organized a Locker Barcelona...
See more information about Rafael Córdoba Marin