Everything but the gears and some staples is oil on canvas, beneath the wood structure is the machine that moves the gears, on the bottom of the painting is a button that starts it. It came to be from a concern that humanity is becoming more and more automatic and synthetic-like inspired on some Assimov works.
Todo menos los engranes y dos que tres grapas son oleo sobre lienzo, detras hay una estructura y debajo un boton que la acciona. La obra surgio por una incertidumbre ya que el hombre se vuelve mas automatico y artificial cada vez.
Model Spaz. [-]
Victor A. Minguez (Asimov) Was born in Mexico City, Mexico, on the 2nd of September 1988. Began Interested in drawing, painting and design at a very young age, he's Been Since Then in a series of local exhibits and Had Several published illustrated book-covers. Devoted to the dark and obscure I is a newborn member of the Lowbrow Movement, using illustration and figurative painting Mostly. I have a wide Variety of Media MOST and mastery of traditional tecniques. Actually I recycle and...
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