Expuesta por primera vez por medio de artelista.com a nivel mundial, obra pintada sobre masonite, y en proceso de secado estará lista en 6 meses para que el público la pueda ver en vivo y en directo una vez seque casi por completo. Obra con la que quiero que el comprador se relaje, ó aún mejor se alegre al verla.
I was born in Seattle, Wahington August 3, 1952. At 7 while living in Bogota, the mother of one of my friends had works by Picasso around the apt. Another friend, son of Master Antonio Roda, and a good friend of my older brother was one of the sons of Trujillo muralist, my All 4 brothers are artists. I think I inherited the gift from our father Alvaro Marin-Herrera.
At age 23, a famous painter of the mid-western U.S. one day I asked permission for copying some of my abstract. For...
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