Tetera de cobre sobre encimera de azulejo andaluz.
2º Premio y Mención de Honor en el III Premio Nacional de Pintura de Galería Madrid 2000.
Portada catálogo exposición Rincón del Arte. Manzanares el Real, 1999.
Página 25 del libro: “Dizionario Enciclopédico Internazionale d’Arte Contemporanea 2000 / 2001”
Born in Seville in May 1944. He began his studies at the College Calasancio Seville, in his hometown, where he lived until 1958, when he moved with his family to Madrid. Passionate about art since childhood and a completely self-taught watercolor began in the age of ten and twelve, painted and sold his first oil painting. Once set up residence in Madrid, where he continued his studies with the painting alternately, investigates new forms of artistic expression. Works all the techniques and...
See more information about Enrique Aragón