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Deseo integrar al hombre en el medio natural como un ser herbívoro, no carnívoro. Me interesa la escena de la naturaleza vista desde el ArteDigital, y a partir de material fotográfico y compositivo original. En este caso, me recreo en la idea de un estómago que recibe vegetales...
Desire to integrate into the natural man as being an herbivore, not carnivore. I am interested in the scene of nature seen from ArteDigital and from original photographs and composites. In this case, me pleasure in the idea of a plant that receives the stomach ...
Wunsch nach Integration in die natürliche Mensch als ein Pflanzenfresser, nicht Fleischfresser. Ich interessiere mich in der Szene von Natur aus ArteDigital und von Original-Fotografien und Verbundwerkstoffen. In diesem Fall, mir Freude in die Idee einer Pflanze, erhält den Magen ...
M and like the essence of creativity, and throughout my life I felt under the influence of family, friends and professionals. My personal history has been surrounded by creative acts. I am therefore also a creative person, not an artist to use. I have always supported me in my profession as a psychologist, which led me to a reflection on the human being inside, and their behavior and actions. In this context is the work I present here. I must say that for me...
See more information about Jose Francisco González Ramírez
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