
Miguel Hernández, poeta

Information on the original artwork

  • Country: Spain
  • Category: Painting
  • Technique: Oil
  • Medium: Canvas
  • Theme: Portrait
  • Measurements: 15.75 x 27.56 in
  • At Artelista since:
  • Tags: retrato

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Artwork description

Homenaje al poeta español Miguel Hernández (1910-1942) nacido en Orihuela (Alicante). Hijo de un contratante de ganado, su niñez y adolescencia transcurren por la aireada y luminosa sierra oriolana tras un pequeño hato de cabras. Empezó a publicar algunas de sus primeras poesías en periódicos y revistas locales sin que, de momento, nadie le hiciera caso sino que, por el contrario, le tenían por chiflado ya que se extrañaban de que un pastor pudiera dedicarse a la poesía. Pero él no se desanimó por esto sino que siguió adelante. Encontró un pequeño grupo de amigos, de su misma edad, que también estaban interesados por la poesía y se reunía muchas tardes con ellos en el horno que tenía el padre de Fenoll. Allí leía cada uno sus poesías y las comentaban. De esta forma iban enseñándose unos a otros y se animaban mutuamente. Su primer libro de poesías lo publicó a los 23 años y se titulaba: \"Perito en lunas\". Intentó sin éxito abrirse camino en Madrid y a pesar de este fracaso volvió más tarde de nuevo a Madrid donde encuentra el apoyo de dos impresionantes poetas: Vicente Aleixandre y Pablo Neruda. Con su ayuda moral y mucho sacrificio va situándose en Madrid y abriéndose camino en el mundo literario de la época. En 1937, en plena guerra, se casó con su novia, Josefina Manresa, una chica que vivía en Orihuela y a la que quería mucho. A ella dedicó muchas de sus poesías amorosas. De este matrimonio tuvieron dos hijos.
Entre dolores acerbos, hemorragias agudas, golpes de tos, Miguel Hernández se va consumiendo inexorablemente debido a una tuberculosis pulmorar aguda en ambos pulmones. El 28 de marzo de 1942 expira a los treinta y un años de edad. Un pequeño grupo de familiares y amigos incondicionales le acompañaron hasta el cementerio de Alicante donde se encuentra todavía su cuerpo en un sencillo nicho donde hay una inscripción en letras rojas y negras que dice simplemente:\" Miguel Hernández, poeta. 1910-1942 \".

Tribute to Spanish poet Miguel Hernandez (1910-1942) born in Orihuela (Alicante). Son of a livestock contractor, his childhood and adolescence passed by the mountain air and bright Oriolano after a small herd of goats. He began to publish some of his early poems in local newspapers and magazines without that, for now, nobody will make the event but on the contrary, he was nuts because it is strange that a pastor would devote himself to poetry. But he was not discouraged by this but went ahead. He found a small group of friends, his same age, who were also interested in poetry and met many evenings with them in the oven that was the father of Fenoll. They each read their poems and commented. Thus iban teach each other and encouraged each other. His first book of poetry published it at the age of 23 and was titled: \"Perito in moons.\" He tried unsuccessfully to make it in Madrid and in spite of this failure later returned back to Madrid where he is supported by two impressive poets: Vicente Aleixandre and Pablo Neruda. With your help morale and much sacrifice is staying in Madrid and opening way through the literary world at the time. In 1937, in the midst of war, he married his girlfriend, Josefina Manresa, a girl who lived in Orihuela and he wanted very much. She spent many of his love poems. This marriage had two sons.
Among scathing pain, acute bleeding, strokes cough, Miguel Hernandez will inexorably consuming because of an acute pulmorar tuberculosis in both lungs. On March 28, 1942 expires at the thirty-one years old. A small group of relatives and friends accompanied him unconditional until Alicante cemetery where his body is still in a niche where there is a simple inscription in red and black letters that said simply: \" Miguel Hernandez, a poet. 1910-1942 \".

Artist information

Painter been born in Marbella (Spain). Moved by some early artistic interests initiate like self- taught although you worry to broaden plastic knowledges assisting to different schools of art, between which fits to highlight the school of Beautiful Arts Artium where would realize five years of studies. From 1989 devote of professional form forming part her work of different private collections and cultural funds.
Her plastic expresses it in portraits, landscapes and bodegones in which...

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