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Artwork description

Pertenece a una serie de tres piezas realizadas en 1978 en bronce a la cera perdida en acabado al óxido. Hay un boceto para una cuarta pieza pendiente de realizarse y dos piezas en barro refractario pintado que necesitan restaurar para poder pasar a bronce, con lo que la colección completa consta de seis piezas. Tratamiento del volumen y la estrcturación buscando la sintetización partiendo de lo figurativo para entrar en la abstracción.

Artist information

Bilbao, Euskadi, Spain, 1944. One of my first drawings and keep it, make it as a child. But I did not go down that road My artistic interests were on the way of volume. The sculpture was a form of expression with which I identified and which materialized works in bronze, terracotta and models. We met a group that made several exhibitions. Speaking the person who initiated, advised and help you develop skills in this area, Antonio Oteiza. With him we made a visit to his brother Jorge...

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