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Técnica: Manera Negra en zinc.
Año realización: 2002.
Edición: 40 + 6 P.a + [-] + 1 P.C
Dimensiones mancha: 24 x 12 cms. aprox.
Galician artist, born in Caracas (Venezuela), 1968.
Bachelor of Fine Arts. Specialty: Design and Audiovisual. Universidad de Salamanca, 1991.
Member: Experimental Graphic Workshop (Vigo, 1996/2000), CLASS GRAPH and ARGA (National Association of Plastic Artists Galicians).
Since 1989 you've made a lot of single and collective exhibitions in Spain and Other countries (Portugal, England, Sweden, France, Italy, Poland, Morocco, Argentina, Greece, ...) to Be selected in...
See more information about Yolanda Carbajales Ferreiro