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Escultopintura mural de Ernesto Rios, poseedor del Récord Guinness a: " El mural más grande hecho por un artista " 1678.46 mts2
Cantera, arcilla, cerámica, herrería...
Cel: 6699254556 (Mexico)
(1968 -)
Born in Mocorito, Sinaloa, Mexico on November 7, 1968. Studied with Fridos: Arturo Estrada, Arturo Garcia Bustos and Rina Lazo, and later with Enrique Estrada. Member of the Garden of Art and founder of the Association APS Plastic and workshop Sinaloense Siqueiros.
Awarded in the exhibitions: One hundred Sinaloenses in the plastic, III Antonio Lopez Saenz Prize 2nd place...
See more information about Ernesto Rios Rocha