Esta es una pieza en proceso, me encantaría compartir el periplo de este personaje, actualizando la imagen conforme a los avances de la pieza. Espero sea de su agrado.
P.D. el precio es un estimado sobre la pieza ya terminada
BIOGRAPHY Jose Parra was born in Guadalajara Jalisco, Mexico, as part of the third generation of painters in the family. His grandfather was an artist and engineer in Tepic Nayarit. His father J. Parra "Parrech", followed by his brother Agustin Parra "moved to Guadalajara to begin resume Costumbrista Mexican painting. The two brothers grew up in a few years, doing everything from painting and sculpture, to elaborate decoration pieces, inspired by the Ibero-American Baroque. Now Agustn is...
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