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Óleo sobre tabla. 130 x 97 cm. … ” Por el inmenso mar del alma mía. “ (Jesús Tejada Romero).
No en vano la talla del extremo del mástil de esta bella Viola recuerda mascarones de proa de antiguos navíos envueltos en melancólicos cantos de sirenas.
La perecedera existencia de las hojas de castaño aparecen en contraposición a lo imperecedero de la música, expresada en la partitura. La perdurabilidad de la obra de arte frente a la extinta vida del artista.
M ª José Aguilar was born in Seville in 1964, in the central district of San Lorenzo. His childhood and early youth run between his native city, the bay of Cadiz and the mountains of Jaén. From an early age manifested artistic inclinations and skills supplied by a mercy environment. Growing up admiring the great masters of Spanish painting especially Velázquez, Murillo, Zurbarán, Valdés Leal, ...
- He began his studies at the Faculty of Fine Arts in...
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