Information on the original artwork

  • Country: United States
  • Category: Painting
  • Technique: Oil
  • Medium: Canvas
  • Theme: Nude Paintings
  • At Artelista since:
  • Tags: betancourt, stephen

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Artwork description

"Ojos de sombra que traspasan la expresion de la sabana. Brillo que resbala en la esferica mirada, va mas alla el temor o la pasion sin causa. Tacto vacio que extremece los vicios donde la sensacion pensada dobla sus rodillas ventiladas. A traves de sonrisas paga la culpa habituada mientras la humedad del fuego se mueve entre la voluntad rosada.
Piensa la quietud de la intimidad del alma, mientras el cuerpo hierve en la suavidad lubricada."
Su descripcion es muy sencilla se trata de un Cuadro-Poema, Vinilo en Canvas, Blanco y negro y su bastidor son dos tablas "una arriba y otra abajo colgando" y listo, es facil de enrollar, de llevar y de colgar en cualquier parte mediante un garfio que lo sostiene de la mitad.

Artist information

Stephen Betancourt was born in NY in 1973. Since his childhood he felt an attraction for the beauty of the life. he is a self-taught painter inspired by his Aunt’s artistic skills.

SB paintings stand out by the warm and intense colors that reflect his Latin roots and soul and the firm will of the artist to continue the search for success.

Sensitivity and Gothic is what Stephen shows in his paintings. The free spirit and autonomy of the fisical world. Varied paintings of SB. enrich...

See more information about Stephen Betancourt

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