Esta obra se expone solo por darles un poco de alegría, fue realizada por Jessica, niña de 14 años, su primer trabajo manuel en la vida, fue realizado con los nudillos, guiada amblemente por la maestra Ma Isabel Borobia, ella tiene paralisis cereblar, pero un gran deseo de expresarse.
Are children from 7 to 30 years, with mental disabilities, Jessica for example, has 14 years, and cerebral palsy, down to Ricky a child 8 years has incredible deeds, Lucy, Claudia and Bob have curiously colorful works, beto sold in its first show 50% of his work, and Lucy also asks for further work, and several that podrs appreciate, the cost of his work is 150 usd, be sure to have a home have a special value because if you see the children you could not express themselves, find you an artist...
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