Information on the original artwork

Creative Commons License - by-nc

Artwork description

Es una obra con colores saturados y mucho efecto de luz
Su nombre se relaciona con el nombre de un tango "La novia ausente"
El muchacho apoyado contra un balcón parece esperar a alguien que no llega
O no llegará nunca ...( según dice el tango)
El tema es sentimental, aunque no es triste porque la luz y el color
le dan calidez y vida

Artist information

CURRICULUM VITAE INFORMATION SARA MARA BIOGRFICOS Vaccarezza Since my early years show a marked vocation for the creation plstica.Mi favorite game: drawing, painting and modeling clay figures baked in an improvised brick oven. At school age, I moved with my family to Tandil, where I live and work today. At 10 years beginning my art studies at the Municipal Academy Seritti Vicente was, for me, a happy world ymgico, in continuous contact with the works of the great masters of the Museum of Fine...

See more information about Sara María Vaccarezza Fariña

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