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Obra realizada con piezas talladas a mano de plástico flexible 2 mms. en poliuretano pintadas individualmente en aerógrafo con acrílico para vehículos y terminado en transparente brillante. Estilo Realismo Expresionista. Representación de una flor típica de la flora venezolana. 65 cms.; Alto 60 cms. (Con Marco)
I am been born in Maracaibo, Zulia State and reside in Valley of Pascua, Guárico State (Venezuela). I am at present 59 years old. My Profession is Architect (graduated in the Central University as Venezuela in 1.978). The Art gets passionate to me and I practice in unpublished form (I do not have academic formation in the Art) reason why my Works are of spontaneous execution and with use of own techniques. They motivate the works to me in oil, acrylic, graphite and materials several...
See more information about LUIS ALBERTO GALAVIS PEREZ