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Acrilico sobre madera, terminacion con brillo a base de varias capas de barniz.
Es una representacion tan sublime como me fue posible, quise resaltar el amor por encima del sexo pero casi equilibrados en un mismo nivel de importancia.
Use colores vibrantes para dar vida y movimiento a la escena. Pinceladas de casi todos lo tamanos, y el resultado es ligeramente impresionista.
He studied art history and culture in the mid-80 \ 's. At that time I was pursuing a degree in music composition at the National University of Cordoba, Argentina, where I graduated as a teacher and graduate in music composition. Artistic expression through paint was present in my music since childhood but was still stronger than me. Now I have 52 years and I paint in my spare time, I am passionate when I do, is something that goes beyond myself, is like a common-union (or communion?)...
See more information about Gabriel Mamud
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