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Artwork description

VENDIDA. Óleo sobre lienzo. 70 x100 cm. Contrastando la delicadeza de la belleza femenina con la imponente y majestuosa naturaleza de la selva del catatumbo colombiano.

Artist information

Nelson Ortega Toscano pseudonym: OrtegaToscano Born March 11, 1963. TibNorte de Santander, Colombia. Tibes a municipality selvtica oil history and nature. It borders Venezuela, and is embedded in the jungles of Catatumbo of ahla preferncia artist's paint nature Colombian pride. STUDIES: University of Pamplona, Colombia: Bachelor s basic artistic In education with emphasis 1999. Color techniques, free courses, Universidad Nacional de Colombia: 2001 2002. Maker of artistic talent in the area of...

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