Es un joyero que contendrá un anillo, seguramente e compromiso u otro similar.
Esta hecho con madera de cedro envejecida, y nogal blanco.
El envejecido es con una técnica propia.
No ha sido expuesto aun, pues forma parte de una nueva coleccion para esta temporada.
Born Cochabamba, Bolivia. Since my teens find the art and specifically in the marquetry in a different way to express ideas, concepts, and sometimes unresolved meanings ... So I learned of several others in the art of the marquetry, involving contemporary design courses. Ganun trip to the U.S. through USAID and the proposed models and currently I have a workshop with 18 people, with the aim of further improving every day marquetry. I love to read, speak English and some French too. My hobbies...
See more information about Jaime Teran Rocha