
The universe and I, (El Univeso y YO

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Information on the original artwork

  • Country: France
  • Category: Painting
  • Technique: Acrylic
  • Medium: Canvas
  • Theme: Others
  • Measurements: 40.55 x 29.92 in
  • At Artelista since:
  • Tags: universo, colorido, galaxia

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Artwork description

Esta bella obra a todo color, es una representación del bello paisaje cósmico, pero también representa al ser humano en su forma no física, todo lo impalpable que caracteriza al ser inteligente; los pensamientos, convicciones, intenciones, sentimientos, destrezas, memorias, credos, ect.

Todos estos géneros representados en puntos asimétricos y coloridos
El alma humana representada con la imagen de la galaxia
La mancha negra en el centro del cuadro representa dos cosas: la mas ovia: un agujero negro en el espacio. La espiritual: lo desconocido para el ser humano.

This beautiful full-color work is a representation of the cosmic landscape, but also represents the human being in its non-physical form, all the impalpable which characterizes the intelligent being, the thoughts, beliefs, intentions, feelings, creeds, ect...
All these genres represented in asymmetrical and colorful dots
The human soul represented by the image of the galaxy
The black spot in the center of the picture represents two things: a black hole in space and what is unknown to man.

Artist information

See more information about Eysha Anchiettah

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