Escultura flotante, queda suspendida del techo a la altura de la vista. Representa a una niña jugando con una manzana. Expuesta en la Exposicion los "Los sentidos", representa el sentido del GUSTO.
CURRICULUM VITAE PERSONAL DATA Trinidad Navajas Rodríguez of Mondelo. DNI 24071552-M, Home Address: Avenida Dr. Olriz n 9. Atico, 18012-Granada. Uncle. : 958-28-27-49. EDUCATION AND TRAINING Bachelor of Fine Arts. School of Granada. Specialty. : Painting. Drawing Painting and Sculpture Department. Expedition of Title. : 08/02/1990. Doctor of Fine Arts with cum laude qualification of the PhD thesis entitled Comparative Study of the concepts of perspective and harmony in the space of pictorial...
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