Information on the original artwork

  • Country: Argentina
  • Category: Painting
  • Technique: Oil
  • Medium: Canvas
  • Theme: Others
  • At Artelista since:
  • Tags: fuerzas, lamento, problemas, encerrarse

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Artwork description

Tecnica: acrilico sobre tela
Medidas:70 x 50 cm
Año: 2006
Los problemas nos invaden a diario, y existe varias formas de llevarlos, con el sentimiento de culpa y que no hay solucion mas que encerrarse a llorarlos.
La escapista, que huye de ellos pero no busca una solucion definitiva.
Y la que sacamos fuerzas de donde sea para afrontarlos con valentia.

Artist information

Born in the city of Rosario (Sta.Fe) Argentina, June 30, 1958. From an early age had passion for drawing and painting. participate in workshops taught in provincial schools. studied at the School. Visual Arts Pcial Manuel Belgrano in the city of Rosario, graduating in 1983 with the title of Master in Visual Arts. He teaches in primary schools as an interim teacher for two years and in his studio particular.

See more information about Graciela Beatriz Zecca

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