
años veinte

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Information on the original artwork

  • Country: Spain
  • Category: Net Art/Digital Art
  • Measurements: 90.55 x 78.74 in
  • At Artelista since:
  • Tags: años, felices, veinte

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Artwork description

Este cuadro forma parte de la colección que he creado sobre “La mujer en los felices años 20” a partir de modelos de mujeres de de esa época. He tratado con ello de recuperar la estética de aquellos felices 20 desde un lenguaje pop utilizando los recursos que nos ofrecen las nuevas tecnologías. Trato, también, de reivindicar e inmortalizar un momento en el proceso de liberación de las mujeres. Algunos modelos las he tratado de diferentes formas creando una serie de con diferentes tonalidades. Estos cuadros tienen un tamaño entre 2.30 x 2 metros aproximadamente. Están realizados sobre tela sustentada en bastidor sin marco. Se pretende que el marco sea el espacio y la luz del lugar donde se coloque. El precio de cada cuadro está en torno a los 3.000 €. Registrado en AICOA

This picture comprises of the collection that I have created on “the woman in happy years 20” from models of women of of that time. I have dealt with it to recover the aesthetic one of those happy 20 from a pop language being used the resources that offer the new technologies to us. Treatment, also, to vindicate and to immortalize a little while in the process of liberation of the women.
Some models I have dealed with them different forms having created a series from with different tonalities. These pictures approximately have a size between 2,30 x2 meters.
They are made on sustained fabric in frame without frame. It is tried that the frame is the space and the light of the place where is placed. The price of each picture is around the 3.000 €

Artist information

My name is Javier Fisac ??Seco, but use the pseudonym Lokke. I was born after World War II and before Marilyn Monroe died. I majored in history, art, sociology and philosophy. I have been a cultural coordinator at several centers, teacher, journalist, political cartoonist and designer. My favorite outfit is Supertramp, my musical artist Elvys and my movie, choose one, "Once Upon a Time in America", the first part especially. Because it is a hymn to friendship. In literature I would be...

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