Home > Artworks > Prints > Painting Acrylic > Painting Canvas > Painting Marine Painting > Doris Duschelbauer > El silencio de la luz -the silence of the light 97 x 130 x 3,5 cm


El silencio de la luz -the silence of the light 97 x 130 x 3,5 cm

Information on the original artwork

  • Country: Spain
  • Category: Painting
  • Technique: Acrylic
  • Medium: Canvas
  • Theme: Marine Painting
  • Measurements: 51.18 x 38.19 in
  • At Artelista since:
  • Tags: mar, niebla, luz, silencio, rocas, contrastes

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Artwork description

La pintura EL SILENCIO DE LA LUZ (EL SILENCIO DE LA LUZ) de la artista alemana Doris Duschelbauer que vive en Mallorca es una verdadera reflexión poética sobre la luz y el silencio. ¿Cómo puede alguien capturar el silencio a través de la luz en una imagen? ¿Cómo puede un artista representar plásticamente un concepto tan abstracto?

Las capas que la artista aplica a sus imágenes simbolizan períodos de tiempo. Al lijarlos, las capas inferiores reaparecerán parcialmente y luego quizás se recuperen nuevamente. Un viaje a través del tiempo y al mismo tiempo un juego entre lo oculto y lo nuevo.

La luz brillante que envuelve las capas de pintura absorbe los colores e irradia un silencio profundo. Así, la artista intenta retratar la presencia del silencio de la luz con metáforas visuales.

The painting EL SILENCIO DE LA LUZ (THE SILENCE OF LIGHT) by the German artist Doris Duschelbauer who lives on Mallorca is a true poetic reflection on light and silence. How can somebody capture the silence through light in a picture? How can an artist plastically represent such an abstract concept?

The many layers that the artist applies to her pictures symbolize periods of time. By sanding them, lower layers will partially reappear and later perhaps recovered again. A journey through time and at once a game between the hidden and the new.

The bright light that shrouds the layers of paint swallows up the colors and radiates a deep silence. Thus, the artist is trying to portray the presence of the silence of light with visual metaphors.

Artist information

Slow Art by Doris Duschelbauer

Doris Duschelbauer is a German artist who lives on the Spanish Island Majorca where the sea, the light and the warm climate animates her to create these bright and light-flooded paintings.

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Big 41.4 x 30.4 in415 $
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164 $

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