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Among crafty spaces, cutting metals, sharp-pointed crystals, emerge as a “COCOON” the creation, the face, the hope ... will it curdle the flower?
Entre des espaces tordus, des métaux coupants, des cristaux pointus. émerge comme un “COCON ” la création, le visage, l à une espérance... Coagulera-t-il la fleur ?
Entre retorcidos espacios, metales cortantes, puntiagudos cristales, .emerge como un "CAPULLO" la creación, el rostro, la esperanza... ¿Cuajará la flor?
Venezuelan artist. Born in Canary Islands, Spain. Resident of Venezuela until 2007 when to moves to Montreal Canada. She Begins her studies of Fine Arts with the Artist Luis Chacon at the University Simon Bolivar (Caracas). Graduated as Electronic Engineer at the Same university in 1974. From 1976 to 1981 studies at the Van Gogh FINE ARTS ACADEMY, with the Artist Antonio Torres. After a residence of three years in Paris (France) continue her studies at the Van Gogh Academy in Venezuela....
See more information about alicia hernandez de coll
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