Information on the original artwork

  • Country: Spain
  • Category: Painting
  • Technique: Oil
  • Medium: Canvas
  • Theme: Landscaping
  • Measurements: 39.37 x 28.74 in
  • At Artelista since:
  • Tags: animales, cuadros, lechuza

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Artwork description

La luz del sol en su zenit se filtra a traves de las ripias de un caserón en ruinas y abandonado en el corazon de la Sierra de los Alcornocales. Las formas geometricas de la luz quebrada y la composicion triangular de todos los elementos confieren ritmo a la obra. Un rayo cegador hace reclinar la cara de una lechuza insomne, que ya se plantea, tras muchos años, un cambio de dormidero. El ave ha sido pintada alejada del centro aunque mirando hacia él, para crear tension y obligar al espectador a viajar por la obra.
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Artist information

Caceres Manuel Sosa was born in the March 17, 1964. The online gallery Sosa: More than twenty years as an illustrator of Wild Nature with hundreds of papers published in the most prestigious publishing houses in the country: INCAFE, Natura, Periplus, Plaza & Janes, Metro Salvat, El Pais, Santillana, Anaya, etc. .. working in five encyclopedias, more than thirty books, hundreds of posters and leaflets with pictures of the most diverse themes. As a painter, from the year...

See more information about Manuel Sosa

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