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Artwork description

Esta obra descreve uma actividade que deixou de existir. As máquinas superaram o trabalho manual. O chapéu é verdadeiro. Usado nos anos 60 pelas mondadeiras e ceifeiras do baixo Mondego. As cores verde e ocre simbolizam o cereal, arroz, ainda verde e já maduro com a cor dourada.Temos o foicinho, instrumento usado no corte do cereal.

Artist information

Conception RUIVO Chisel was born in Figueira da Foz in 1954. In this city completes the training course Ladies acquiring a vast knowledge of drawing, painting, tapestry and needlework Traditional Portuguese, which were transmitted by their teachers Cesaltina Bengal Carrapio of Jesus, Maria de Oliveira, Manuel Grando Ribeiro and now to the renowned painter John Hector Chichorro. In Lisbon in 1974 at the School of Decorative Arts Antnio Arroyo, studied graphic arts and in 1979 Arts Tissue. In...

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