Esta es nuestra felicitación de Navidad para todos vosotros, muchas gracias por vuestra amabilidad, que tengáis unas Felices Fiestas.
Carme y Pere
Fotografía mía de nuestra estantería adornada para Navidad.
Artist Statement:
My name is Carme Gonzalvo. I was born in 1.954, in Barcelona, Spain.
I am completely self taught
With these collages I try to create improbable worlds that are between the real and the unreal. I am greatly influenced by architecture and art, and this is made evident in my work. In 1987 I started cutting out and pasting magazine cutouts, and thanks to computers I have a freedom of expression that I would have never imagined.
The world of dreams, memories,...
See more information about Karme Gonzalvo