Information on the original artwork

Creative Commons License - by-nc-nd

Artwork description

Pertenece a la serie "Máscaras y espejos" que hablan de las máscaras que todos poseemos y utilizamos en ocasiones (ya sea de modo consciente o inconsciente) y al miedo a conocernos a nosotros mismos como somos realmente y no como la imagen que proyecta nuestro espejo.

Artist information

I am above all things a painter (artist) and I love to be. Not change it for anything, and that carries a high degree of suffering because for me it is a means of communication of the first order. I think over the words and even the facts, it's my job, it is full of feelings, my feelings. Each of my works have a recorded message that is part of me and what I am.


? Individuals:

-2009 - Exhibition Hall Gorliz. Aug. 14 to 21 (Gorliz, Basque Country)...

See more information about LUCIA POLANCO

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