Information on the original artwork

  • Country: Chile
  • Category: Painting
  • Technique: Oil
  • Medium: Textile
  • Theme: Marine Painting
  • Measurements: 35.43 x 27.56 in
  • At Artelista since:
  • Tags: marina, bote, oleaje, gaviotas, mar. playas

Creative Commons License - by

Artwork description

Hermoso paisaje marino que exhibe un bote abandonado y una gran cantidad de gaviotas revoloteando.
El paisaje de mar revela un lugar de bastante quietud pero de mucho oleaje.
Las gaviotas deambulan libremente jugando con la brisa marina.
Pareciera como si se escuchara el ruido de las aguas y el graznido de las gaviotas.

Artist information

The house of my childhood had no mirrors,

the muddy roadside,

leaning on his years

had no windows,

anything that would reflect the sun.

Our house was a poor little house;

from time to time, the storms of my childhood

and the north wind,

shook our weak hut

and caused great fear,

the wind wanted to uproot the foundations invisible

and thin, moist walls

strongly vibrated

See more information about Mario Humberto monasterio Calderón

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