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Los paisajes de árboles son clásicos a lo largo de la historia de la pintura. La Naturaleza, como fuente original de inspiración llama la atención siempre a todo artista.Esta es la obra mas reciente del pintor. como dato curioso, logró encontrar comprador a las 24 horas de haberla enviado a sus amigos del MSN.
Luis Alejandro Garcia is a natural painter of San Cristobal, Tachira State in Venezuela. Born on August 24, 1957. It is self-taught painter, Hydrometeorological Engineer, graduated in 1987 at the Central University of Venezuela. An artist by vocation and has entered the drawing and painting since childhood .. Although over his life has painted numerous paintings, has only participated in one group exhibition in honor of the artist Armando Reveron in 2003 in his hometown. His artistic...
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