Este fue mi primer cuadro, lo realizé hace dos años. Siglo 21, porque seguimos manteniendo la fe catolica entre nuestras filas??? Acaso el hombre no evoluciona??? Podemos YA prescindir de las religiones. Vestigios de nuestros instintos primitivos. Raíces de cualquier civilización. Pero es momento de dar el paso al siguiente escalón.
Born May 27 17 years ago. I studied drawing, painting and music. I spend several hours painting, but the full time to the sources of inspiration. Abstract treatment of reality and make it mine my paintings, creating a new image where I feel more comfortable, a place to rest. The characters in my paintings are a reflection of people around me, and every painting I do is like the children I will never have, I appreciate my creations and feel that the only (but important) value of, is the...
See more information about Tonalli Melo Salvador
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