
Tarde de domingo -5- "LA CASA ENGATA"

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Information on the original artwork

  • Country: Spain
  • Category: Photography
  • Theme: Architecture and Interiorism
  • technique and supports: Color (Digital)
  • At Artelista since:
  • Tags: gato, tarde, domingo, lucas

© All rights reserved

Artwork description

"... grrrrooommm ..., ¡t-ché!, yo creo que lo mejor es bajarse de las nubes y ocuparse de lo que hay aquí abajo. A lo mejor .., hmmm, si se enteran Arriba de que me despisto, igual cogen y me relevan. Y la verdad .... hmmmm ..., grraau, grrraau ¡Uy!, ¿ qué es lo que veo ahí enfrente ... ? ¿una linda gatita? ... ¡ Ooooy, Ooooy! ...; pues eso, ¡que me quiero quedar aquí HASTA QUE TERMINE LA MISIÓN !, ¡ m-jí !

(de la tarde de domingo 14 de marzo de 2011)

Artist information

I got printed the cold light of a March morning in the high land of Castile. Here is a proper way for an artist to say that he was born in a village. Spain, province of Soria; have you ever heard of this ?.

I lived there for a few years. Then, followoging life´s whimsical will I finally landed in Madrid. In this city have I my present and, hopefully, definitive abode.

As an artist I haven´t gone through any particular, or academical learning. I mean, to the point to get...

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