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Obras de mis primeras incursiones en los concursos, una de ellas formo parte de la Bienal de Arte SiArt 2003 (la de la parte inferior, me intereso mas que nada el aspecto espacial y estudiar la figura femenina y es mas que nada de mi etapa figurativa, como siempre me preocupo mucho la parte compositiva tambien en esta obra.
Ernesto Lara, was born on July 21, 1976, from his youth working in the studio of his father, also an artist Raul Lara, study the career of Plastic Arts of the UMSA in La Paz, a graduate currently serves as a versatile artist, painting in various techniques, such as oil, acrylic and tempera among others, also mentioning dibujisticas techniques such as graphite, charcoal, pastel, etc.., with a deep commitment to art, in the last 10 years been involved in several national competitions in his...
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