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Juego de equilibrios, direcciones, composiciones, color y conceptos.
Lo que ocurre en nuestra sociedad, acontecimientos obvios que son velados por los titiriteros.
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Balancing act, compositional lines, compositions, color and concepts.
What happens in our society, obvious events that are veiled by the puppeteers.
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Since childhood I felt a strong attraction to the plastic world, then part of the game, imitating or creating from a personal point of view infantil.Con time were forging the strong roots of these events with my being, becoming increasingly, a way of expression, even unconscious. Already 12 years had very clear where he was going to run my life. Soon I had my first lessons in drawing, painting and modeling with a degree in Fine Arts. Later I got for 5 years ...
See more information about Rafael Díaz-Jargüin Hierro
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