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Artwork description

Oil Work done in August 2012, the use spatulas and brushes, strokes and very evocative harmonies, the attractiveness of a range of colors and artistic composition achieved, recreates a brief battle of two beings of our mother nature, identity and glamor was what manners the same for regions of South america and caribe.Expresa our movement and consistency in his speech plastico.El author makes in its realization, employment masterful visual textures very suggestive and active, which catch the viewer most current and demanding. It is a creation worthy for art collectors. Work very contemplative spaces ideal for home decorating.
Obra realizada al oleo, en Agosto 2012, se empleo espatulas y pinceles, de movimientos y armonias muy sugerentes, el atractivo de una gama de colores y de la composicion artistica lograda,recrea un breve combate de dos seres de nuestra madre naturaleza, su identidad y glamor esta en lo costumbrista de la misma para regiones del Sur de nuestra america y el caribe. Obra muy contemplativa, ideal para espacios a decorar en el hogar.

Artist information

Graduated in Plastic Arts, 1976.
University graduate in Moscow in 1982.
Oil Paintings, Acrylic on canvas, Screen, sculpture, engraving, Portraiture, Digital Art, Mural Painting, Sculpture, Crafts, Graphic Design, Jobs at nib and ink, Art Therapy with the use of the arts.
National Plastics Expo and International from 1978 to the present.
National Register Creator has in Cuba-RNC-6162

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