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Artwork description

Construcciones arquitectónicas de diversa índole representadas tenuemente aparecen como de un ensueño, un contexto onírico, insinuándose con delicadeza, dejando entrever la influencia del gran maestros de la pintura, Jose Martinez Lozano, del cual fue pupila.
Rica en texturas , relieves y contrastes, la obra se nos muestra en cuadros individuales, dípticos, trípticos, etc... formando distribuciones geométricas diversas en un exquisito elenco de composiciones gestálticas, provocando en el observador enriquecedoras sensaciones visuales y emocionales. Todo un festín para los sentidos.

Artist information

Itziar NAZABAL know little, but it's clear this is a woman, an artist, thinker, creator, which communicates Through his art. A thought!, An expression!, An aesthetic!, Is the perfect fusion, plasma is the ART, which can transport you to the stages through which the artist has run to reach time of communication. At the climax that is the imagination, thought, expression, are reflected in the media, to take shape on, sometimes painfully, sometimes pleasantly and even glorious and joyful, the...

See more information about ITZIAR NAZABAL REGUEIRA

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