Dibujo realizado a mano, posteriormente escaneado y retocado con photoshop. Al ser una obra digital, lo que enviaré sera una copia a color en tamaño A3 (29,7cm x 42 cm), firmada y dedicada. Gastos de envío incluidos (otras medidas, consultar)
In winter it is nice to feel the heat of the portable on the legs, even though Philip ms aduea radiator. L stick to a sleepless Legaa to the point of marking on his face burning the edges of the device. I look at him while drawing, crouching in cereal boxes. Martha, the nurse on duty, I removed the eye. Fears that put me to open the packages of Kellogg, but I did not say anything. Who knows, maybe look at the pictures that glow on the screen of my computer. Like I make a portrait, I think...
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