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El hombre sexualmente asocia sus fantasías con la realidad, transforma a la mujer en un objeto masturbatorio para su placer físico.
"El sujeto no ofrece el sacrificio para sacar el mismo provecho de ello, sino para colmar la falta en el otro, para sustentar la apariencia de la omnipotencia del otro o al menos, su constancia.”
Jacques Lacan
Carpinteria Metalica student in the Seine and technical in commercial art of Don Bosco, advanced studies in order to professionalize, complementary to it decides to make a career in the late 90 related to the plot in which elements are needed for an enrich his art, but resigned to this pass after 4 semesters. Ised 2 years of oil painting that allowed him to refine his technique. Likewise complemented by Marquetry. Currently advances professional studies in Fine Arts and Visual Arts...
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