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macro de dos piezas iguales de boligrafo de tinta de gel. Al hacerla pensaba en la relacion que tengo con una persona muy especial, que sabe que son las pequeñas cosas las que hacen que los sueños, por raros que parezcan, se vuelven cosas tangibles, cuando se comparten con quien tambien los entienda.
photographer, painter, writer ... drink more heterogeneous sources to bring to their work a freshness of the ancient and the modern in a frenzy of black humor and tragedy silently.
His photographs seek what is there hidden in the ordinary, extraordinary images of surprise with which we long.
Your digital roam among the most beautiful representations of chaos, fractals. Their natural looking images and surprise cuasitridimensionales structures and landscapes that touch of...
See more information about Laura Melguizo Perez