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uno no es de fierro y las modas lo llevan a representarlos inconscientemente.Si lo analizamos la vida es como el baile del caño,hay que estar en forma para lograr superarlo.
Claro que los años,los quilos y la falta de entrenamiento y sensualidad,nos terminan por dejar tirados y enredados en si mismo.

Artist information

Acquistapace Marcelo's work distances itself from the majority of other artists for several reasons. His paintings, large and medium format ESTNA halfway between the caricature, surrealism and childishness. The sarcastic humor of symbols expressed travs icnicos the world of dreamy Niez and fail to overshadow his strong criticism of the society. The protagonists of his paintings are characters in uniform, masks and big noses, representing CFI situations civilized human beings: We all we need...

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