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Artwork description

[CAT] Sensació d\'enfonsament, submersió pictòrica, on un instrument tant ufà, com el contrabaix, es submergeix dins la tela i reflecteix el valor real del coneixement de transmetre sentiments a través d\'una cosa que tant físicament com visualment s\'eximeix de talt virtut impalpable.

[ESP] Sensación de hundimiento, submersión pictórica, donde un instrumento galante, como el contrabajo, se hunde en la tela y refleja el valor real de saber transmitir sentimientos a través de algo físicamente impalpable.

Artist information

Young boy from Catalonia, Trying to Understand this world by the way of the art ...

"What is art but another way of understanding the world ..."

My homeland has teached me that nothing fell from sky, just the opposite is that it took us blood from day to day working really hard...

See more information about Lejus Serra LLosa

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