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Information on the original artwork

  • Country: Chile
  • Category: Photography
  • Theme: Other Themes
  • technique and supports: Alternative techniques
  • Measurements: 5.91 x 3.94 in
  • At Artelista since:
  • Tags: inundacion, tuberia, bodega, Cumming, 1355

Creative Commons License - by-nc-sa

Artwork description

Esta imagen muestra la tubería rota, poco antes de su reparación. La avería que tenía fue la causante de la inundación con aguas servidas que afectaron a los libros e historietas (éstas muy importantes) que estaban en la bodega 180 del Edificio PARQUE DE LOS REYES DOS, situado en Ricardo Cumming 1355, Santiago Centro, Chile.
La incompetencia del Adimistrador, el Conserje y otros, llevó a este hecho muy lamentable.
Esto ocurrió a comienzos de enero de 2012.

Artist information

I was born in Arica, northern Chile, in 1949. I've written over ten books. Most poems. My work has been published in over ten countries and appeared in some anthologies.

Although drawing and painting since childhood, recently did one of my works published in July 2007: the cover of my book FORTY YEARS OF POETRY.

I have, for three decades, a notebook full of drawings, some of which take you to the web. Others appear here as such, ie as drawings.

My first works that...

See more information about José Gonzalo Martínez Fernández

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