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Fue el momento de comienzo del experimento de la serie en blanco y negro priorizando la estructuración y composición tratando de adentrarme en la abstracción, utilizando temas figurativos. En esta pieza incluía el gris pero después decidí anularlo porque consideré que me distraía para el fin que pretendía. Realizado con pintura acrílica sobre lienzo.
Bilbao, Euskadi, Spain, 1944. One of my first drawings and keep it, make it as a child. But I did not go down that road My artistic interests were on the way of volume. The sculpture was a form of expression with which I identified and which materialized works in bronze, terracotta and models. We met a group that made several exhibitions. Speaking the person who initiated, advised and help you develop skills in this area, Antonio Oteiza. With him we made a visit to his brother Jorge...
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